Print Advertisement
The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal
Sent to over 5,000 FCA, FCA Allied, and JFCA members monthly
To place an ad contact barbara@floridacattlemen.org or call 407-846-8025
Custom Mailing
Send your custom letter, catalog, flyer, or postcard directly to our members.
Mailings can be directed to all members or your selection of targeted counties.
Cost: $500 for statewide mailing or $0.15/address in targeted mailing + print cost & USPS postage
Once mailing has been confirmed with FCA staff, we will put you in contact with our printer who you will pay directly for the print work and postage.
Mailing requests and inquiries can be emailed to membership@floridacattlemen.org. Custom artwork and/or message to be provided by the advertiser. The FCA does not share member information, you must work with our printer.
Digital Advertisement
Website Homepage Advertisement
Six (6) spots available
Size: 160 x 90 Pixels
Cost: $600/ half a year (sold in 6-month increments only)
Website Interior Advertisement
Multiple spots available
Size: 160 x 90 Pixels
Cost: $350/ half a year (sold in 6-month increments only)
Placement in Monthly E-Newsletter Advertisement
1 exclusive Ad per month among all advertisers (First-come, First-Served)
Size: 200x400 Pixels
Cost: $500
Custom E-Newsletter Advertisement
1 exclusive E-Newsletter per month among all advertisers (First-come, First-Served)
Cost: $1,000
Digital ad placement requests and inquiries can be emailed to membership@floridacattlemen.org. Custom artwork and/or message to be provided by the advertiser. The FCA does not share member information, digital advertisements will be sent by the FCA and we will provide email statistics (sent to #, open rate, and click rate).